To accelerate market penetration, heat pump manufacturers are working on reducing the costs and finding sustainable refrigerants.
Author: Lourdes Lain Caviedes (Lourdes Lain Caviedes)
FOSS Research Centre winner of the Cyprus Innovation Award 2020!
Via EUREC Member, FOSS Research Centre for Sustainable Energy FOSS Research Centre for Sustainable Energy of the University of Cyprus the winner of the Cyprus Innovation Award 2020 in the category public sector. The PV Technology Laboratory of FOSS Research Centre for Sustainable Energy of the University of Cyprus has been granted the “Cyprus Innovation Award...
First Innovation Fund call for small-scale projects open until 10 March 2021
Less than 1 month to apply! The call is open since the 1st December 2020 and will close on the 10th March 2021.
EUREC Workshop: support for the European Commission’s hydrogen strategy
On the 1st December 2020 DLR and EUREC organised the online workshop ‘The role of green hydrogen for a carbon-neutral Europe’.
Critical aspects of operational principles for (institutionalised) partnerships in Horizon Europe
In the context of the preparation of (institutional) partnerships in Horizon Europe (HEU), it is essential to develop administrative / operational principles which ensure the full and unrestricted participation of private partners in such partnerships.
Joint Letter: The Recovery and Resilience Facility is a once in a generation opportunity
The Recovery and Resilience Facility is a once in a generation opportunity to prioritise green investments and boost progress towards climate neutrality.
Register now! EUREC & DLR Online Workshop · 1 Dec 2020
Complementing the European Hydrogen Week, the EUREC and DLR online workshop focuses on the EU and national research strategies for hydrogen and on the impact that scenarios for energy system transformation should have on those strategies.
EUREC supports EERA’s call on EU institutions for maintaining the Horizon Europe budget
Horizon Europe: Budget cuts jeopardize achievement of top EU political objectives
Do you also think Horizon Europe budget must be aligned with the European Green Deal? Join us!
EUREC is collecting signatories supporting our last position paper: EUREC and 20 other organisations believe that Horizon Europe should invest in Climate, Energy and Mobility much more.
PP / Horizon Europe budget must be aligned with the European Green Deal
Horizon Europe is a vital instrument to cement the EU’s recovery long-term and embed it in the transition to climate neutrality by 2050 – rightfully a key policy priority of the EU. With a smaller Horizon Europe budget, the EU must invest sensibly. It must prioritise funding for those technologies that will deliver on the...
EUREC calls on European Commission to maintain climate-spending in the reduced Horizon Europe budget
EUREC supported by 9 associations from the renewable energy field call on the Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth to keep Horizon Europe budget proposed in June 2018.
H2020’s Flagship Tidal Energy Project EnFAIT reveals game-changing turbine
Nova Innovation’s new tidal energy turbine is set to enter operation in Shetland (Scotland) later this year
EUREC calls on European Commission to maintain climate-spending in the reduced Horizon Europe budget
EUREC supported by 9 associations from the renewable energy field call on the Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel, to keep Horizon Europe budget proposed in June 2018. You will find the letter text and the possibility to download it down below.
EUREC welcomes Limerick Institute of Technology as new members
During the last internal affairs meeting of the EUREC College of Members, 9 June 2020, EUREC Board, members and Secretariat welcomed Limerick Institute of Technology - LIT, as new EUREC members.
The European Technology and Innovation Platform for Photovoltaics’ News
A 2019 paper for ETIP-PV ’Impact of weighted average cost of capital, capital expenditure, and other parameters on future utility‐scale PV levelised cost of electricity’ by Steering Committee Eero Vartiainen (Fortum) is the # 1 most downloaded article in Progress in Photovoltaics.
eNeuron, the response to shift towards a low-carbon or even carbon-neutral pan-European energy system
The project eNeuron that has just been ranked first in the Energy Island’s call of Horizon 2020 with FOSS being the Technical Coordinator led by Dr Christina Papadimitriou.
The role of R&I in the Recovery Plan – Letter to European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen
Research and Innovation actors from the public, private and academic sectors represented by the Knowledge4Innovation Forum in the European Parliament, addressed a letter to the European Commission President.
EUREC co-signs letter asking LIFE committee for a fair co-financing rate
23 April 2020 – EUREC contributed to a joint letter distributed on the 18 March 2020, you can read more about this in the section below. After this joint action, EUREC decided to further support this campaign by signing another public letter advocating appropriated co-fianncing rate for CSA projects on sustainable energy. EUREC has also...
Innovation Fund: Join us as an expert!
DG CLIMA and INEA are looking for experienced and motivated experts to evaluate projects applying for funding from the Innovation Fund
Helsinki Energy Challenge
The application phase of Helsinki Energy Challenge extended until 30 September
Call to EU leaders: #EUGreenRecovery to restart Europe
31 organisations representing Europe’s Renewable Energy & energy efficiency value chains call on the European Commission to fully integrate the proposed economic stimulus packages and the EU Green Deal.
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