UREC has published a catalogue on innovative and successful projects in the area of renewable energy.
The document “Renewable Energy Projects Catalogue – A guide to innovative and successful projects in the area of renewable energy”presents a list of projects, led by EUREC members, which have contributed to increase the presence of renewable energy technologies in the energy mix, by reducing their costs, increasing their reliability or facilitating their integration in the energy system.
The Catalogue is divided in four main chapters dedicated to:
• Renewable Electricity(e.g. PV, wind, biomass, solar thermal, ocean, hybrid systems)
• Renewable Heating And Cooling (e.g. heat pumps, solar thermal)
• Sustainable Transport(fuel cells and biofuels)
• Horizontal Topics (e.g. grid integration and energy storage, studies to support transition to sustainable energy, education and training activities)
Each chapter presents examples of successful and innovative projects in its respective area.