We regret to inform you that the ETIP PV Conference has to be postponed due to the global risk derived from the COVID-19. We will announce a new date as soon as the situation has normalized.
The conference
This conference will highlight the latest advances in all major Integrated PV applications and how they will contribute to the energy transition as well as EU-based value creation.
The framework
By 2050, when the world should and must achieve carbon neutrality, ETIP PV’s forecast based on conversion efficiency improvements and Solar PV’s declining cost is that solar PV will supply 70% of the world’s electricity generation. We will use solar PV to move, heat, cool, drive eco-friendly industrial processes and produce fuels. Solar PV will be deployed everywhere, in systems large and small, designed for productivity and aesthetics as required.
“Integrated PV” (PV deeply embedded into components used in the building industry or car industry, for example) will play a key role in this scenario. This will be a profitable market for Europe, with high potential for growth, which will bring numerous business opportunities as well as local job and value creation. It needs R&D attention and accelerated innovation.
Are you an industry leaders, a scientist, an engineer or a policy maker?
Join the debate about challenges and opportunities for the full-scale deployment of Integrated PV in Europe.
More information about the AGENDA and the CALL FOR ABSTRACTS is available here.
Follow ETIP PV on social media via the hashtags #ETIPPV and #PVeverywhere to be the first to know when registration opens and for conference updates!
The venue
BIP Brussels (Room Guichets)
Rue Royale 2-4
1000 Brussels, Belgium