Via EUREC Member, Eurac Research
In comparison to the rest of Europe, the EUSALP European macro-region, a territory consisting of 48 regions in seven states (Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Liechtenstein and Switzerland), requires slightly more energy due to its high density population as well as the presence of important economic centres, such as in Lombardy and southern Germany.
This is one of the findings to emerge from the “EUSALP Energy Survey” report, carried out by the renewable energy experts at Eurac Research on behalf of the EUSALP working group on energy efficiency and the use of renewable sources. The report is the first comprehensive survey of energy data at regional level in the Alpine region and offers a detailed overview of the energy balance of the macro region. Compared to the rest of Europe, the EUSALP territories have on average a slightly higher per capita consumption of energy, while the energy intensity””the ratio between gross domestic product and gross energy consumption””is lower. This is encouraging because a low the value of energy intensity demonstrates greater energy efficiency.
In the Alpine region, the share of electricity produced by renewable sources is 40 percent (the European average is 29 percent), mainly due to the contribution of the hydroelectric sector. Overall, Alpine space is able to provide for its electricity needs almost completely through its own production.
The report also highlights the tremendous heterogeneity of the EUSALP territories, both from the perspective of the composition of the energy consumption (electrical, thermal and transport-related) as well as the share of energy produced locally from renewable sources.
Thanks to this initial survey, administrators and public decisionmakers have a tool to formulate cross-border energy strategies, implement appropriate measures and regularly check their effectiveness.
The complete report can be downloaded here.