EUREC has won funding for four projects from the call on
Support to sectorial fora! (LC-SC3-CC-4-2018)

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You will find below a brief description on the winning projects:
Support to the European Technology Platform in renewable heating and cooling – RHC-ETIP
EUREC coordinates the secretariat of the RHC-ETIP and this project follows on from the call-for-tender contract currently supporting the platform, also led by EUREC.
More and better designed public support for energy technology R&I – Smartspend
EUREC members CIRCE and WIP particicipate in this project also coordinated by EUREC. This project brings together ETIPs from across the sustainable energy space, many of whom EUREC has collaborated with informally up till now. Among our tasks are to set up meetings with ministers around Europe on the benefits of energy R&I, to organise a conference on the EU’s new Invest EU financing instrument and to reflect on whether ETIPs should form ourselves into “European Partnerships” with control over the EU’s budget with the responsibilities that implies, or remain as ETIPs.
Support to the European Technology Platform in photovoltaics – ETIP PV (SEC II)
This project follows on from the H2020 contract currently supporting the platform, where EUREC and EUREC Member, WIP, are already partners.
This project’s main deliverables are a Technology Roadmap and a Research and Innovation Agenda. An important side-benefit is that it brings together the hydropower community, which since the winding-up of the HEA and ESHA, has nobody dedicated to representing it to the European institutions. EUREC and EUREC members WIP and CRES (as linked third party) are partners of this project.