Laurent Antoni is Hydrogen and Fuels Cells Program Manager at CEA Liten (French Atomic and Alternative Energies Commission). He started his career as a senior scientist on material sciences at Mittal Group (Arcelor). In 2003, he joined the CEA, a Public Research Institute with a mandate to develop metallic bipolar plates for fuel cells. In 2005, he was nominated Head of the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Laboratory at the CEA and managed a team to intensify R&D activity on hydrogen and fuel cells and in 2013, he was nominated Division Manager with 180 permanent staff to develop battery and fuel cell technologies for transportations through an integrated approach from materials up to demonstrators using technological platforms to enhance technological transfer to industry. Dr. Laurent Antoni is since 2016 President of Hydrogen Europe Research, the European research association on hydrogen and fuel cells gathering more than 80 universities and research institutes, member of the Governing Board of the European Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH 2 JU).