The EUREC (Association of European Renewable Energy Research Centres) and DLR (German Aerospace Centre) are organising the free online workshop The role of green hydrogen in a carbon-neutral Europe on Tuesday 1 December 2020, from 2 to 5 pm. Complementing the European Hydrogen Week, it focuses on the EU and national research strategies for hydrogen and on the impact that scenarios for energy system transformation should have on those strategies.
15 experts in clean hydrogen including from the European Commission (DG Energy, DG RTD and DG JRC), national governments, research centres and umbrella-associations representing research and industry will join the workshop, which is divided into three themes:
Policy framework:
- EU’s competitiveness in green hydrogen technologies
- Updates on the European Institutionalised Partnership on Hydrogen & Fuel Cells
- National hydrogen strategies
“The role of R&I in the EU ́s Hydrogen Strategy”
- Overview of Technology progress from European projects
- Project examples
- Comment from the European Commission
“What must we do by when?”
- Energy system scenarios’ roles for hydrogen
- Complementarities hydrogen & batteries
- Complementarities hydrogen & direct use of electricity
The full programme is available here and the registration to the workshop is free and available via this form. The workshop will be organised via the online platform GoToWebinar. Further details about the workshop are available in the event page. For updates on EUREC’s events and news, subscribe to the EUREC newsletter and follow us on Twitter @EUREC_Info #GreenHydrogen, LinkedIN and YouTube.