The European Technology & Innovation Platform on Renewable Heating and Cooling (RHC ETIP) organises the event 100% RHC for a Sustainable Future, the opportunity for RHC experts to learn, network and present their RHC innovative projects.
Why joining?
The RHC ETIP gathers industry representatives, researchers and policy makers to network and exchange their expertise on RHC innovative projects, challenges and opportunities to thrive in the long term. 100% RHC for a Sustainable Future includes a:
Why joining?
The RHC ETIP gathers industry representatives, researchers and policy makers to network and exchange their expertise on RHC innovative projects, challenges and opportunities to thrive in the long term. 100% RHC for a Sustainable Future includes a:
100% RHC Workshop
Present your RHC project!
We want to give visibility to promising R&I projects involving RHC technologies. You’ll be able to present your project in front of sector stakeholders. The workshop will be divided in four sessions. Pick your category and submit your abstract by 30th June 2019:
- Buildings
- Districts
- Cities
- Industries
100% RHC Conference
Network & learn!
A high level conference led by RHC industry & policy representatives and Finnish government officials. The discussion will focus on:
Network & learn!
A high level conference led by RHC industry & policy representatives and Finnish government officials. The discussion will focus on:
- Vision for a 100% Renewable Heating and Cooling in Europe
- Unlocking investment for further innovation
- National round-tables
Join our mailing list, ollow us on Twitter – @EtipRhc – and don’t miss any detail on the conference speakers & latest news!
Use #100RHC on Twitter to share this event with your network.
Registration will open soon.