EUREC is the coordinator of this 3-year-project. PV Impact’s overall objective is to offer “support to the execution/realisation of a SET Plan Implementation Plan” exactly as the ‘Scope’ of the call topic textspecifies, and sticking to its budget and duration guidance. PV Impact willalso monitor the status of PV projects (at portfolio level) and technology (another requirement of the call topic text).
The European Commission, and many in the PV research community in Europe, want to see the Implementation Plan influence not only Horizon 2020 / Horizon Europe spending but the spending directly controlled by SET Plan countries and industry. In the ideal case, countries will create new possibilities outside of Horizon 2020 tofund transnational research and innovation work in the areas listed in it.
But galvanising SET Plan country administrations ‘top-down’ is not the direct aim of PV Impact – that is the prerogative of IWG-PV as it makes clear in Target Aand Target C of its ToR. This project therefore complements that work by focusing on the private sector. It is companies that make things or offer services.The rest of the innovation community (research centres and universities,consultants, for example) is there to help them prosper. As industry’s willingness to invest determines the health of the rest of the ecosystem, our goal is totry to act there. Companies can support the Implan by working on projects with entirely private money or by accepting some form of public subsidy. They might work on projects alone or collaboratively. PV Impact will stimulate the emergence of industrial projects that are conducted as collaborations, or dialogue between companies to create sound R&D strategies. Thus the character of the grant – a Coordination and Support Action – is honoured.