
Demonstration of integrated and sustainable microalgae cultivation with biodiesel validation

The overall objective of InteSusAl (Demonstration of integrated and sustainable microalgae cultivation with biodiesel validation) was to demonstrate an integrated approach to generate biofuels from algae in a sustainable manner on an industrial scale.

More precisely, the project optimised the production of algae by both heterotrophic and phototrophic routes and demonstrated integration of these production technologies (Raceway, PhotoBioReactor and Fermentation) to achieve the algae cultivation targets of 90-120 dry tonnes per hectare by annum. The project selected algae species and cultivation technologies to attain algal oil with a suitable lipid profile for biodiesel production and will validate this selection through conversion of the extracted oil into biodiesel to meet standard specifications.

The sustainability of this demonstration, in terms of both economic and environmental (closed carbon loop) implications was considered across the whole process; including optimum use of algal biomass resources to enable commercialisation.

The InteSusAl project, co-funded by DG Energy of the European Commission, started its work on 1stMay 2011, and ran until 31st July 2016.

The project was structured around eight Work Packages:

  • Project Management
  • Microalgae Yield Optimisation
  • Prototype Development Activities
  • Demonstration Pilot- Build and Commission
  • Demonstration Facility
  • Productivity Trials
  • Sustainability
  • Exploitation and Dissemination

The InteSusAl website is available here: