Fraunhofer (DE) -
Anett Hauser is with Fraunhofer since 2021 and recently took over as head of the office of the Fraunhofer-Group Energy Technologies and Climate Protection. Within her position and EUREC she represents common research as well as political interests of ten Fraunhofer institutes. She represents Fraunhofer’s perspective on renewable energies ad climate policy also with the EERA and EMIRI.
Profile Category: Board of Directors
Michael Kreuz
DLR (DE) -
Michael Kreuz is with DLR since 2010 and represents the organization´s energy research activities at DLR´s Brussels Office since 2016. On national and EU level he holds various positions, e.g. acts as strategic advisor for Hydrogen Europe Research (HER) since 2018.
Joris Libal
ISC Konstanz (DE)
Joris Libal received a Ph.D. in the field of n-type crystalline silicon solar cells from the University of Konstanz in 2006. After a Post-Doc fellowship at the University Milano-Bicocca, he has been coordinating the R&D activities of Silfab (Italy) and is with ISC Konstanz since 2012, where he has been coordinating various publicly funded and industrial R&D projects and is involved in ISC’s technology transfer activities. A current focus of his research interest is on techno economic analysis of PV technologies as well as on energy yield simulations of PV systems.
Chong Ng
ORE Catapult (UK)
Chong Ng is the Applied Research Associate Director in the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult. He is also a non-executive director of TUS-OREC Research Centre in China and an Honorary Professor of the University of Warwick. He and his team are focus on offshore renewable energy technologies, grid integration and novel full scale wind turbine testing solutions research and development. Chong has published more than 40 international research papers, a book in offshore wind farm topic and named inventor on multiple international patents.
Nikolaas Boucquey
Monica Axell
RISE (SE) - Dr. Monica Axell is Head Research & Business Development at Energy and Resources since 2020. Since 2004 she is General Manager for Heat Pump Centre, the Programme Office and Communication Centre for IEA Heat Pumping Technology. She is Board Member in EUREC since 2020 and is also involved in Mission Innovation #IC7 Affordable Heating and Cooling, in CELSIUS 2.0 with focus on energy transition in cities and in working groups within ETIP-RHC. She has more than 20 years’ experience of R&D in the fields of energy and management.
Venizelos Efthymiou
- Dr Venizelos Efthymiou is the chairperson of FOSS (University of Cyprus) since 2013. He worked as Executive Manager Networks / Distribution System Operator of Cyprus for the Electricity Authority of Cyprus from 1979 to 2013. He is a member of the Steering Committees of the ETIP SNET, ETIP PV, SET Plan, and Horizon Europe Programme Committee.
Andrea Michiorri
Mines Paris - PSL (FR)
Andrea MICHIORRI (MSc, PhD, HdR) is a Researcher at Mines Paris - PSL within the PERSEE Centre where he is the responsible for researches on renewable and distributed generation integration. His research interests include: weather and climate impact on the power system, energy storage and forecast applications. Since 2018 he chairs the Teaching commission of the Thinksmartgrids association and since 2019 he sits at the board of EUREC.
Karina Veum
Tara Esterl
Tara Esterl is head of the Competence Unit Integrated Energy Systems at AIT Austrian Institute of Technology. Working at AIT since 2012, her previous research work focused on the operation of flexibility for markets and grids. She is contributing to and leading large research projects such as the Flex+, Hybrid-VPP4DSO and Industry4Redispatch (I4RD). She is the representative of ETIP-SNET for EUREC and is ExCo delegate of the IEA UsersTCP for Austria.
Wolfram Sparber
EURAC Research (IT) -
Wolfram Sparber is Head of Institute for Renewable Energy at Eurac Research (Bolzano-Italy) since its foundation in 2005. Since 2011 he is involved as chairman of the executive board and later member of the advisory board of one of the leading renewable energy utilities in Italy (Alperia, former SEL). On EU level Wolfram was Vice President of the ETIP-RHC from 2011 till 2019 and is member of the Clean Energy Industrial Forum since 2021.