5TOI Project Consortium have released a document that summarizes a pilot action in the Mediterranean and Africa. The pilot action is based on the NEXUS approach: ‘The nexus highlights the interdependencies between the water, energy and food sectors, and the need to pursue an integrated management framework across the three sectors.’
NEXUS approach focuses on two main principles:
- Co-development actions: these ‘target specific marketable solutions that could be adapted to social, societal and economic needs in those geographical regions mostaffected by climate change and development challenges.’
- Open innovation: this is ‘mandatory for adapting generic technologies to specific regional targets and the latter, in turn, constitutes a strong driver of innovation in general. In this process, North-South as well as South-South and public-private collaborations should prove beneficial to all parties and favour the emergence of a common regional clean-tech market, while a coordinated EU policy is an essential factor for establishing and maintaining virtuous dynamics to reach this objective. This was recognised in the recent EC communication “Accelerating Clean Energy Innovation”’.
To read the full Pilot Action to foster sustainable Nexus innovation & co-development in the Mediterranean and Africa, please click here