Seize this chance to make your voice and knowledge heard
The European Technology and innovation Platform on Renewable Heating and Cooling has prepared a draft of the strategic document ‘Vision to 2050: the vision for renewable heating and cooling in Europe’. We would like to collect the input of renewable heating and cooling experts and sector’s stakeholders through an open consultation.
What is the ‘Vision to 2050: the vision for renewable heating and cooling in Europe’?
This Vision is intended to provide a clear prospect for the heating and cooling (HC) sector by 2050. It helps to understand the potential of the various renewable heating and cooling technologies and it shows, through a multidisciplinary approach, the way to follow to achieve a carbon-free HC sector by 2050. Both technical and non-technical issues are discussed, along with the presentation of relevant best cases.
The ‘Vision to 2050’ will be presented at the 100% Renewable Heating and Cooling for a Sustainable Future Conference & Workshop, which the RHC ETIP organises on the 28th October in Helsinki, Finland.
The draft document is available here
How to take part in the consultation
Download the document, make your comments and suggestions in track changes and send it back to by the 30th August.