Via EUREC Member, WIP Renewables
The 38th edition of the European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition is planned to take place from 6 – 10 September 2021 at the Lisbon Congress Center in Lisbon, Portugal.
Although this year’s online conference was a great success, with more than 850 live presentations and around 1500 participants from 65 countries, we respect the feedback of our participants that online interaction is not the same and that personal exchange with PV experts from all over the world is not only very important but wanted and needed.
Of course, we are observing the situation closely and reserve the right to adjust the concept in case of an unpredictable situation. We are, however, looking optimistically towards the future and hope that medical progress will bestow a good and healthy year of 2021 upon us.
A sophisticated hygiene concept will ensure that all participants can enjoy the benefits of a face-to-face meeting, especially the direct exchange and networking, without having to worry about possible risks.
We are therefore looking forward to seeing you all in person in Lisbon next year in a safe and secure environment.
You can find the latest information here.