The ETRERA_2020 Work Package (WP) 4 was dedicated to “Capacity Building” and focused on developing actions to ensure that renewable energy operators in the participating Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPCs) are qualified to manage, transfer and use knowledge resulting from research. WP4 focused on actions to promote exchange of best practices among relevant organisations (including national and regional innovation agencies); to foster training activities; to exchange staff and to promote mobility schemes notably between research and industry; to support young innovative companies in setting up technological partnerships.
The ETRERA_2020 E-handbook was developed under the scope of WP4. The publication is a training guide tailor-made to the needs of the MPCs involved in the project. The document details the steps to be undertaken to ensure that research ideas can be successfully turned into innovative projects. The publication includes specificities of MPCs as well as the specificities of the concerned renewable energy technology. The objective is to provide the partners with a general overview of the process to transform an R&D project in a successful, and commercially viable, innovation project.