Press release: Innovation in the Renewable Heating and Cooling sector fills up entire conference room at the EUSEW
Brussels, 30th June 2017 – The session “Innovation in the Renewable Heating and Cooling sector” organised by the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Renewable Heating and Cooling (RHC-ETIP) as part of the official programme of the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 2017 was successfully held on 21st June 2017 in Brussels, Belgium.
Over 50 participants completely filled up the Maelbeek room at the Résidence Palace Building. The programme intended to showcase successful stories of innovation in the renewable heating and cooling (RHC) currently in progress.
“We have heard an impressive overview of innovation across different technologies”, said Ms Paola Mazzucchelli, Coordinator of the RHC-ETIP Secretariat, who acted as moderator of the event. “Although many RHC technologies find themselves already in a mature level, there’s still an important innovation potential which needs to be unlocked”, she continued.
Six innovative projects in the area of RHC were presented. The agenda was carefully selected after a call for innovative projects was launched earlier this year. The relevant Steering Committees of the RHC-ETIP selected the winning projects per technology categories based on the information provided in the application form. The selected projects were:
- Torplant – Pilot scale torrefaction of local biomass residues
- CoolHeating – Market uptake of small modular renewable district heating and cooling grids for communities
- Deep High Temperature Heat Storage in the Geneva Basin
- TripleAqua – Heating, cooling and storage in one
- HRE4 – Heat Roadmap Europe4
- SDHp2m – Solar District Heating and actions from policy to market
- Cold thermal energy storage with vacuum ice slurry
After the presentation, Mr Gerhard Stryi-Hipp, President of the RHC-ETIP made some concluding remarks and thanked the participants and speakers for attending the event.
Please click here to download the Press Release and have a look at the video summary of the session: