On Thursday 22nd November 2018, EUREC and the Austrian Institute of Technology co-organised the expert workshop on ‘Sector coupling for local systems as enabler for the energy transition’. Around 30 participants attended this network activity organised on the framework of EUREC College of Members, 22nd – 23rd November 2018.
EUREC President, Rainer Janssen, presented the agenda of the day with focus on sector coupling, ‘a hot topic during the SET Plan conference’ held the same week in Vienna. Gwennaël Joliffe-Botrel, from the Directorate General of Research and Innovation of the European Commission opened the presentations session with a Q&R after on latest Horizon Europe developments and SET Plan.
The presentations of the workshop on ‘Sector coupling for local systems as enabler for the energy transition’ are available here.
During the second day of the College of Members, EUREC organised a networking workshop for its members on upcoming H2020 proposals. The participants splited in two groups: one focused on development of solutions based on renewable resources that provided flexibility to the energy system; and the other group of participants brainstormed about Social Sciences and Humanities aspects of the clean energy transition.
During the EUREC internal affairs meeting, celebrated also on the 23rd November, EUREC member, Venizelos Efthymiou announced that FOSS Research Centre for Sustainable Energy will host the next College of Members in May 2019.