The new EUREC Board of Directors is composed of:
- Christian Ertler – DLR (DE)
- Werner Friedl – AIT (AT)
- Radovan Kopecek – IST Konstanz (DE)
- Paul McKeever – ORE Catapult (UK)
- Venizelos Efthymiou – FOSS (CY)
- Andrea Michiorri – ARMINES (FR)
- Werner Platzer – Fraunhofer-ISE (DE)
- Ian Forbes – Northumbria University (UK)
The second day, on Wednesday 8th May 2019, EUREC, FOSS and EERA co-organised the expert workshop on ‘Energy Communities: Operational and functional needs’. Around 50 participants attended this network activity, including representatives from industry, research and the Ministry of Energy Commerce & Industry.
The workshop’s objective, as stated by the chairman of FOSS, Dr. Venizelos Efthymiou in the introductory section, was to give a clearer understanding of the potential opportunities of the Energy Communities that may contribute to the accomplishment of EU climate and nation-wide energy objectives. Having said that, the workshop tried to cover most of the open issues of energy community concept under the prism of different key players of the modern energy sector in both technical and regulatory issues. To this end, European Academics, Policy makers and Energy Sector experts participated in the workshop to frame the concept and spot the missing links to be addressed that can make it happen.