The last EUREC College of Members (CoMs #57) took place in Brussels at the Royal Museum of Fine Arts, on the 4th & 5th December. Every year EUREC organises two networking events for its members, the so-called ‘EUREC College of members’. This time, EUREC organised a workshop on “Myths and realities of renewable energy” based on the myths compiled in the EUREC latest publication.
College of Members DAY 1 / Workshop Myths and Realities of Renewable Energy
An audience of 40 participants composed by EUREC members, representatives from several universities and industry working in the renewable energy field joined the workshop. EUREC’s Secretary general, Paola Mazzucchelli, and EUREC President, Rainer Janssen welcomed the participants and gave the floor to EUREC members, who presented their latest activities.
The workshop included three panel discussions highlighting different myths:
- Myths on competitiveness: moderated by Christian ERTLER (DLR), and with the collaboration of Rainer JANSSEN (WIP Renewable Energies), Rémi GRUET (Ocean Energy Europe), Sanjeev KUMAR (EGEC)
- Myths on decarbonisation & environmental impact: moderated by Paul McKEEVER (ORE Catapult), and with the collaboration of Maria GETSIOU (European Commission – DG RTD), Lea PILSNER (E3G), David MOSER (EURAC), Christian FINK (AEE Intec).
- Myths on security of supply: moderated by Venizelos EFTHYMIOU (FOSS), and with the collaboration of Irene BONVISSUTO (European Commission – DG ENER), Andrea MICHIORRI (ARMINES), Werner FRIEDL (AIT), Antonio ILICETO (ETIP SNET).
Presentations given during the workshop:
- EUREC Renewable Myth on competitiveness of RES – Rémi Gruet, CEO, Ocean Energy Europe
- WIP Projects EUREC 2019 – Rainer Janssen, Silvia Caneva, Pablo Alonso, Antonio Fuentes, WIP Renewables
- Myths of RES event – Sanjeev Kumar, EGEC
- SCORES project – Christian Fink, AEE INTEC
- EUREC Workshop Myths Venizelos – Venizelos Efthymiou, FOSS University
- hybrid-VPP4DSO_EUREC CoM 57 20191204 WFR – Werner Friedl, AIT
- REstable project – Andrea Michiorri, Mines ParisTech
- EUREC Myths on renewables Dec 4 2019 ILICETO – Antonio Iliceto, ETIP SNET
College of Members DAY 2 / Workshop on H2020 calls & internal affairs meeting
On the 5th of December, EUREC organised an exclusive workshop for EUREC members on upcoming H2020 calls for projects. The workshop was followed by an internal affairs meeting during which EUREC and its members decided to hold the next EUREC College of Members on the 8-9 June 2020. EUREC members, RISE – Research Institutes of Sweden – Bioscience and Material, will host this networking event in Göteborg, Sweden.