The technology centre becomes a partner of the Spanish Network, thus reinforcing its commitment to corporate social responsibility
Zaragoza, September 21, 2020. The technology centre CIRCE Foundation has adhered as a partner to the principles of the United Nations Global Compact, focused on strengthening the corporate social responsibility of companies and organizations around the world, thus taking further steps in the commitment to sustainability and the achievement of Agenda 2030.
This initiative does not correspond to an isolated event, but is part of the firm commitment of CIRCE Foundation to corporate social responsibility, which has been present since its origins more than 25 years ago. Andrés Llombart, CEO of CIRCE Foundation, said that this adhesion “ratifies the commitment to a responsible, sustainable and ethical management model” and added that they feel “very proud to be part of this initiative and to continue contributing in this area, present in each of the centre’s activities”.