The European Technology and Innovation Platform on Renewable Heating & Cooling (RHC-ETIP) invites experts in the RHC sector to present innovative projects at our annual event to be held in Brussels on 20th June.
The projects will be divided into 7 technology categories:
- Biomass
- District heating and cooling
- Geothermal
- Heat pumps
- Hybrid systems
- Thermal energy storage
- Solar thermal heating and cooling
One project will be selected per category. The relevant Steering Committee will select the winning projects based on the information provided in the application form.
Submit your application
Please fill in the online questionnaire available here to submit your application. The deadline to fill in the questionnaire is 22nd May 2017. Winners will be notified by beginning of June and will be provided with guidelines to prepare their flash presentations for the RHC-event on 20th June.
RHC-ETIP Annual event
Further information on the event is available here.
The event will take place on 20th June at CENELEC:
Avenue Marnix 17
Brussels, Belgium
Fill in the form & Apply now!