“BESTF” is an ERA-NET-COFUND partnership between Member States and the European Commission that gives funding to bioenergy. It presents, in two-page spreads, the results of funded projects from the call for proposals BESTF1 and BESTF2. The projects have single-digit millions budgets and small consortia.
You can download the catalogue
A second era-net funds bioenergy, ERANET-BIOENERGY. Since 2014, it has got no EC funding and exists only as a collaboration between Member States.
The coordinator of BESTF, in his foreword, writes, “The BESTF programme has been a success, but we should not rest on the illusion that innovation programmes of this scale, involving multiple private and public sector stakeholders are easy.” Indeed, the EC has remarked that “the lack of clear understanding of the financial aspects of the ERA-NET Cofund instrument was highlighted as an area for improvement.” (p. 208 Interim Evaluation of Horizon 2020 book).
“The second joint call of BESTF and ERA-NET Bioenergy for R&D&I proposals is planned to be published this autumn”.