The last EUREC College of Members (CoMs #54) took place in Blyth at the premises of ORE Catapult, on the 5th & 6th June. The first day of the 2-days-meeting was dedicated to a workshop on Demonstration, verification and validation of new and renewable energy technologies.
An audience of 40 participants composed by EUREC members, representatives from several universities and industry working in the renewable energy field joined the workshop.
ORE Catapult’s Director, Steve Wyatt, welcomed the participants and opened the members’ roundtable on main developments in storage and monitoring of renewable energy technologies.
The current edition of EUREC CoMs also counted with the participation and keynote speeches of representatives from the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, Scotland) and representatives from Howest University of Applied Sciences (Kortrijk, Belgium). We will post below soon the links to download the available presentations given during the workshop:
- Renewable Energy: A UK perspective by Professor Olimpo Anaya-Lara, University of Strathclyde.
- Energy Storage Systems as Enablers for Renewable Energy Grid Integration: Case Studies, by Gabriel Garcia Naveda, CENER.
- Optimizing control for electrical heatpump and thermal storage, by J.B. Kosse, Hanze UAS.
- Flexynets: synergies between heating and cooling networks and theelectricity grid, by David Moser, EURAC
- XL-BLADE: Cost of energy reduction-driven development, manufacturing and in field validation of the world’s largest offshore wind turbine blade, Morten Philipsen, LM Wind Power
Paul McKeever, Head of Research and Development at ORE Catapult, moderated the sessions and together with other experts from ORE Catapult team, they led the participants through a tour at their premises in Blyth. EUREC President, Rainer Janssen, pointed out the attractiveness of EUREC experts workshops as a valuable opportunity to exchange knowledge, present your organisation as a candidate to join the EUREC membership and to implement new joint initiatives.
The second day of the EUREC College of Members was dedicated to an internal affairs meeting in which was decided that EUREC member, AIT, will host the next College of Members in November 2018, in Vienna.